Two Year Olds Program

1 Classroom — 3 Teachers — 16 Children (ages 2 - 2.11)

For many children, this is their first experience in a school setting. It's also a time of rapid and multi-faceted growth in their cognition, social-emotional development, and self-care capabilities. Our classroom offers a team of three caring, thoughtful, and deeply skilled teachers who honor this crucial year of growth and help your child navigate its transitions. Each day they create and curate a diverse environment, full of ever-changing materials that encourage children to engage with art, science, literacy, and dramatic and active play.



The Transition

We believe in building trust with families, honoring children’s feelings, and providing consistent, simple routines. We offer several kinds of support for families in this time of transition — (1) visiting days, where parents and children attend school together; (2) open communication — teachers and the office staff are available for check-ins and updates.

The program

Our program builds autonomy, socialization, and development of a healthy self-concept. Love and respect for self and others gives our eager, exploratory twos the healthy foundation for their lifetime love of learning. We support their budding independence with creative, appropriate challenges so that they may learn to complete tasks and communicate needs. Social-emotional learning is at the heart of our program: our teachers focus intently on socialization and work with families through the process, ensuring that the vast majority of children end the year with at least one good friend. Our teachers also work with you and your child to notice signs of readiness for potty training, and by the end of the school year most children are using the toilet.



THE playground

The outdoor space for this classroom is separated from the big yard for the first few months, to allow for close connections and careful supervision. Our teachers like to “hear every conversation.” To eventually transition to the big yard, the children visit in small groups with increasing frequency.